Saturday, May 12, 2012

I Heart Mom

Mother's Day is almost upon us and I hope no one forgets about who brought us here. The Farmer, luckily, did not forget. I saw him bringing flowers for both his own mom and for his kids to give to his wife. I found something I know my momma cow will like. I got her the new T. Zweber farmance (farmer romance) novel, How Green Was My Tractor. It is about how a farmer's love for his tractor nearly costs him his farm, his marriage, and his life. She loves that kind of mushy, melodramatic stuff.

Momma is just a regular cow and lives on a farm in Kentucky. She's always bragging about the family that runs it and how the man there really cares for his cows and takes special care for the expecting mothers. Momma even sent me this video to explain.

 Agent  2256, reporting from the Udder Side.

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