Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Get More With Milk!

Some of us are born lucky and some of us make our own luck. I think I started with the former and will do my best on the latter. Being born at the end of May enabled me to experience my first June Dairy Month as quickly as possible!

Just being born gives you special privileges like all the ooh's and ahh's of other momma cows and people looking at you. Take that times thirty for the whole month of June because that is when we dairy cows and calves get to really celebrate! 

This year they tell me the real thing to talk about is to get more with milk!

My momma's milk, I know, is choc full of good stuff. She's told me that she is a foster mother to the whole world. Now, that is a big boast, but I know my momma wouldn't tell a fib. She says her milk contains nine essential nutrients and is more affordable than juices, sports drinks, or sodas because it costs only around twenty-five cents per eight ounces. No question about it; you really do get more with milk!

Agent 2398, reporting from the Udder Side.

1 comment:

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