Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Rain Makes Corn Silage

Lets say coming in to be milked was tough on a few of us this morning and maybe The Farmer was right about wanting a Dunkin Donuts on the farm, you know, for the coffee

Last night a few of us went to the closest Luke Bryan farm concert. Cows on a farm, right? We could blend in as good as, well, cows on a farm. 

He sang a mess of our favorites and we had a hoof stomping good time. We would like him to sing new lyrics to Rain Is A Good Thing. Rain is good for the corn and good for making corn silage. Trust me, you've not eaten well until you've eaten fermented corn silage from the silo. Yummy!

We can't wait until this year's crop is ready to eat! In the meantime I think a long nap between milkings may be in my future. 

Filling the silo

Agent 265, reporting from the Udder Side. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Poem For Grace The Calf

They say write what you know so here's my little ditty for National Poetry Day.

We're always glad to be fed, but some of us, like Grace, would love it if The Farmer would hurry up! 

Agent 2476, reporting from the Udder Side.